Velké cti se dostalo Atletickému klubu Olomouc, který bude v příštím roce prvním českým pořadatelem prestižního paraatletického mítinku World Para Athletics Grand Prix. Haná bude Světový pohár hostit v celém paralympijském cyklu (2025 - 2028) a letošní závod bude poprvé v historii Grand Prix věnovaný pouze ženám.
Mo 2/12/2024
Olomouc Grand Prix dedicated to women!
Olomouc will host first ever Women's Only Grand Prix. Institutions declared support of this historic event.
World Para Athletics President, Mr. Paul Fitzgerald, came to Olomouc in person to visit the stadium that will see first ever Women's Only Grand Prix. On July 3-5th, women will be in the spotlight of world paraathetics attention. Paul comments: "I am thrilled to announce that Olomouc is ready to host female athletes of all ages to historically first Grand Prix meeting dedicated to women only."
On December 2nd, Olomouc witnessed the official press conference at the city hall. The representatives of partner entities declared support of the LOC from organising Athletic club Olomouc. Mayor of Olomouc, Governor of Olomouc region and Rector of Palacký University have all stressed out the importance that such a global event presents for the city. President of Czech National Paralympic Committee, Mr. Zbyněk Sýkora, expressed the honour that WPA Grand Prix comes to Czechia with such a special role of highlighting the importance of women in parasport.
As women will battle out for the titles, the face of the meeting - multiple Paralympic medallist Eva Berná - expressed the gratitude that after 25 years in paraathletics she can finally participate at home Grand Prix meeting. Indeed her career started at the young age of 14, when she competed at Sydney Paralympic Games in 2000. Now 38, she is ready to fight with young talents and hopes that new paraathletes may start successful careers just in Olomouc.
Pavel Vrzala, President of LOC, concluded the press conference with the promise to organize successful Grand Prix event that will show the city of Olomouc as a centre of women's paraathletics.
As of today, official website and social media profiles at Facebook and Instagram are launched. All important information such as release of Team manual or start of registrations will be communicated there.